Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Hey, y'all.

Sorry I disappeared for so long. I’ve let my job chew up my life again for a while, but hope to get back to important matters like blogging, reading, finding lost items and staying in touch with real people.

Other Questions:

1. Does anybody have any organizational ideas that actually work – as in helpful tips of any sort or survival schemes arrived at over the years – about keeping up with stuff – and I mean all kinds of stuff from lens caps to sticky notes with telephone numbers on them of people who should be called. How do you stay organized, or – if you happen to be deep-down-disorganized – how do you avoid total chaos?

If the very idea of having organizational tips makes you roll on the floor laughing, thoughts on that side of it will be welcome, too.

My only good organizational discovery of recent times is on-line banking, which has, along with the debit card, vastly simplified my bill paying and checkbook balancing.

2. Any good ideas about stuff to read?
I have just ordered James Lee Burke’s latest, along with a new Robert Crais and some Lord Peter Wimsey stuff. At the moment I believe I have read everything published by Deborah Crombie, Janet Evanovich, Elizabeth George and am waiting for them to write more – along another line - I am waiting for Haven Kimmel and David Sedaris to write more. I wonder if they would write faster if I e-mailed them.k'kkf;'lksdlks';lkf

Also, I admit to liking Lee Child’s Jack Reacher novels, which always seem to be available at Kroger.

3. What to think about while falling asleep. Tina and I (being genetically similar) agree that, like our mother, we tend to get negative if we allow our minds to ramble – so we both either read until comatose or listen to music. Any ideas about the falling-asleep process? Are we alone in this? Do normal people just shut their eyes and go bye-bye?

4. Now, a request that’s job related, but still fun. I am doing a food series on all 50 states. Have done Idaho (naturally, potatoes) and Pennsylvania with help from Gruntled, who actually has a photo and byline in today’s paper, writing on the joys of Philly Cheese Steaks.

Now, I need to hear from anybody who has spent time in other states regarding what food would be good to feature. This can be a major product (potatoes for Idaho, lobster for Maine, beef for Texas) or a singular food – like the aforementioned Philly Cheese Steak, that is not quite as good anywhere else.

I've set up a four-drawer filing cabinet and a separate work surface for paying bills. We're running two consulting businesses, investments to pay three college tuitions, and health care paperwork for five people, and I found myself worn to the bone with it every month. Now, the beloved spouse files things in the top drawer, and the last day of the month I sit down to deal with everything. I don't have to clear a place to work, and I don't spend time hunting for whatever got put somewhere else. It's a big commitment of space, but it's a mighty reducer of stress.
I try to keep telephone numbers in a computer data base and I carry a small address book. My hubby can't remember phone numbers so I entered all the family numbers in the cell phone for him.

If you have a lot of phone calls, I find it's better to use a legal pad to list them. I check off completed communications or use some sort of shorthand, like "WCB" for "Will Call Back."

I have a file cabinet at the apartment for "medical care," "credit cards," "bank accounts," etc. I make a point of cleaning it out when I gather my tax information each year.

I find that keeping like things together is helpful. A cabinet for spices, a cabinet for staples, canned goods in the pantry, etc. In Montezuma, I have a shelf in the bedroom closet for small tools thatI use like a small hammer, phillips screwdriver, flat scredriver, tacks and nails. Most importantly, once or twice a day, I go through the apartment or house, pick up clutter and put things back where they belong. "A place for everything and everything in its place" is the best method for keeping things orgnized. I don't worry about extreme neatness in drawers and cabinets, just logic. I don't have drawers containing thread, needles, screwdrivers, toilet articles and condiments from the local Chinese restaurant.
Wow. You people sound awesome.
I still want everybody to discover on-line banking.
just popping in to say hi. i've lost another attorney to a higher paying job so for right now i'm doing her caseload as well as mine. i'm living a more cluttered life than usual, but then i constantly work in chaos. at least the chiggers are dropping off because they can't keep up the pace. :):) glad you are back to blogging.
I am sorry you've been overworked. can relate to that. I've had a little fun lately, though, like writing the story about the Flat Creek Fishing Area, which the officials from DNR say won't be in operation until possibly summer of 2008, unless we have a hurricane, because they're waiting for rainwater to fill up a 206 acre dammed area. (At this point there is a mud puddle approximately as big as my bedroom floor). The hydrologists were counting on its being filled by a tributary of Flat Creek which turns out to be "intermittent." Our photographer, whom I am not allowed to quote, went up on the dam to look at the vast areage and he says it will take the melting of a polar ice cap at the least. Shall I or shall I not ask the Guv on Saturday at the Fish Fry what's on his platform regarding this debacle?
you must ask i think.:):) you might come take a picture of how much water is going down the drain between the courthouse and the jail on sprinkler days (no one knows how to fix the sprinkler head allegedly)and suggest it be trucked to the fishing area. they were watering every day at all the wrong hours, but the employees who live on the south end and couldn't even shower put a stop to that.
when i have time to read, i'm reading michael connelly paperbacks. just working my way through the whole series, but not necessarily in order because i'm me.:)
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