Sunday, August 13, 2006



I could have said pet peeves, but that has always implied to me that one cherishes such things. Anyway I invite one and all to share some things we find annoying. Some of mine are silly, some are specific to my profession (or seem to be) so I assume you have some silly ones too.
1. Lou Dobbs when he gets on his Mexican obsession.
2. All the immense piles of stuff that come in the Sunday newspaper and have to be thrown away, and the nothing that is left after that.
3. The plastic wine bottle corks that won't actually go back into the wine bottle after you open it. I have taken to trimming them with a sharp knife.
4. Elected and appointed officials who take on an expressionless stare while citizens speak a public hearings and then don't acknowledge what the citizen said. As in "Your two minutes is up. Next."
5. A certain kind of very fat, round loopy "Care Bear-Strawberry Shortcake" handwriting that is almost impossible to read, and which shows up most frequently on the forms used for engagement announcement.
6. Pills that come in those flat aluminum foil things with the bubbles to hold them in place.

Having to buy half a pound of mushrooms at a time, knowing that only two people in the house want them in salad or omelettes or anything else. They don't last long enough for two to use them up!
1. Machines that want you talk to them, but can't understand you so you find yourself yelling into the phone, "Pay my bill!"

2. In Atlanta, the traffic is a major annoyance.

3. In the country, people who come by without calling. I've answered my door covered with paint or with my hair in a towel.

4. Flippant use of nicknames like cane for hurricane and Queda for Al Queda. Neither one is cute.
It would help to be able to buy mushrooms loose. I buy okra that way -- like three pods to cut up for soup.

Young at heart -- If you start reciting the words to Mairsey Doats, or say any kind of nonsense syllables the machine won't understand you at all and will switch you over to a human being. Try it. It's fun.

I'm especially not happy with being called BY a recording, which happens during campaign season.
people who invite me to lunch and then don't show up. just kidding.:):)
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