Thursday, May 18, 2006


Time for the good stuff!

The roadside stand is open on Sam Nunn Blvd. The Queen of Sheba will be glad to know that they're still boiling peanuts.
Mr. Green says the early peaches are good, but I am distrustful and told him that I was waiting for the Elbertas.
He said that lots of people thought they were getting Elbertas when they weren't, and I said, "Not anybody from where I came from."
He's got Vidalias and Florida tomatoes and plums and all sorts of good stuff.

Your camera could make any type peach look good! The colors are just amazing.
Glad to know he still has boiled peanuts!
Boiled peanuts with lots of salt cannot be beat!
I have to put all peanut related things out of reach when my little granddaughter comes to visit, though. She is allergic to peanuts. She has an epi-pen (not sure about spelling) nearby at all times! She was found giving a shot to a mattress at another grandmother's house one day! However, that is probably not as bad as the child my daughter heard of who treated the family cat to a shot. It had to be rushed to the vet...but was treated and OK since the shot was the dosage for a young child.
A peanut allergy has to be worrisome.
I got a big styrofoam cup of boiled peanuts free. These are very good ones, and we'll stop and get some on Saturday morning for sustenance. Maybe we should get some RC Colas and Moonpies, too.
that photo would make a good jigsaw puzzle. your camera is great! i could almost taste the stuff. i think i may become a journalist. i never get free boiled peanuts.:(
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