Friday, May 19, 2006


TGIF. and a ramble

It's Friday. I had a graduation to cover, so my day ended after 7:30 p.m. This was at Westfield and they decided that since the air-conditioner in their auditorium was so noisy, they wouldn't run it. Aiiiieeee! People were standing outside to get cool. Anyway the kids were excited and happy.

High school graduations are, in a way, a big bore until the very end when the seniors come running out and toss their caps in the air, and hug each other, and watching it, you know something they haven't quite taken in yet -- which is that high school is really over when it's over, and graduating from high school is one of the really big transitions in life.

I mean that everything the boring speakers say is TRUE!! Goodbye, childhood.

That said, my idea of a perfect Friday night is one with nothing to do but stay home and decompress.

Tomorrow, however, I'll be ready to go and Queen of Sheba and I are going adventuring, which we will tell you all about later.

In the meantime, you'll see that I've moved some of the photos. I've set up a new blog named "This is My Town", which can be found at the link to the left -- I'm hoping to get others to add to this blog, and may make still another about middle Georgia.

For a lot of my life, I lived in other states, and coming home, to me, always meant something like arriving in Macon. I meant that there's a geographical area for all of us that once we're in it, is totally familiar. We know landmarks, streets, roads, like the backs of our hands. The most familiar place in the world to me is Montezuma, which has the same houses along its main street that it had when I was growing up there and many of the same downtown buildings. I think maybe it's the background to a lot of my dreams, because it always seems to me that I was just there an hour ago.
I don't even mean I want to live there. I mean it's sort of the wallpaper of my mind, and also that the farm country, the creek bridges and river bridges of MaconCounty are, to me, sort of the way the world is supposed to look -- with everything else an interesting variation.
Is there a place like that for you?

why didn't i get invited to adventure too?? you saw how well i could behave when i was with the women who use their husbands' names!!! :):):)
Those childhood places stick with you.

East Orange, NJ, the town where I started walking around on my own shows up in my dreams all the time.

There are sights there that can just about knock me over. Oddly enough, though everything else there seemed small and grimy when I went backa few years ago, the trees seemed immensely familiar. One at myelementary school and one that my brother climbed stopped me in the middle of a sentence when we visited. Even odder, I found pictures of the nearby college campus on the internet, and the trees in the pictures brought back more memories than the buildings.
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