Sunday, May 07, 2006


A strange sense of deja vu

Yesterday I went to the Kick-Off Barbecue for Sonny Perdue's bid for a second term. The barbecue was grrrrrreat. Chicken, pulled pork and ribs, slaw and pasta salad, cornbread, the works. I saw all sorts of people like Big Bird himself, Ed Hawkins (below), innumerable minor candidates for minor offices, my boss, and even Ralphie Reed who was quietly campaigning while the guv was gladhanding. There was a band and they played Sonny-Be-Good and other well-known hits. It was very hot. There were speeches. Did I mention that the food was great.

it would have to have been really great bbq for me to attend.:):)
Hey, rex. Hubby and I dream of the day we might be able to get a small motorhome. We know who to see!
No spring, I know you had a great time! Did anyone happen to take some photos of you?!
Barely, next time you see her at an event, how about snapping a pic of her enjoying bbq or whatever...
Rex, I saw the big van. He arrived in it and it's quite eyecatching. Actually, I did have a good time because the food was good and there were a lot of people there that I like, but I'd say that if Sonny's pitch to the voters was represented by his stump speech on Saturday, he's got a real challenge ahead.
and rex gave my office some clothes for our clients.
rex, email the location to me. I still have an email address you are familiar with...
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