Friday, May 12, 2006


Some things never change

I took this picture today at Matt Arthur Elementary School, where I was doing a story on the new policy of serving less fat and sugar to kids. It just happened that a group of Pre-Ks came in right as I was leaving, and this is their reaction to the food that the nutrition director and I had been talking about so enthusiatically. All the same, it is WAY better than my school lunchroom, which always smelled like overcooked cabbage and always had milk that was lukewarm.

children's reactions to lunchroom food
i would hate to be the lunchroom lady and have everyone looking that way at my food every day. :(
I cannot think of one single food item in a school lunchroom that I ever enjoyed. Maybe brownies. Do they still serve brownies? Which would you rather eat - lunchroom food or hospital food? Actually, some hospital food is OK.
I never liked either, but I'll tell you something that was great, and that was eating in the dining car of a train.
Who remembers the Nancy Hanks?!!
Great picture. Love the kids' expressions.
i, the weird one, used to love a particularly hideous lunchrrom item. because i grew up in rural alabama, most of our lunchrrom food was usda commidity items. the lunchrrom ladies would get a handful of peanut butter and roll it in graham cracker crumbs with sugar. i used to love it, even though today it probably would make me gag just to see one of the patties.
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