Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Planning for Bird Flu

From ABC News, verbatim "In a remarkable speech over the weekend, Secretary of Health and Human Services Michael Leavitt recommended that Americans start storing canned tuna and powdered milk under their beds as the prospect of a deadly bird flu outbreak approaches the United States."

First question: Have you put some canned tuna and powdered milk under your bed yet?
Second question: Can you think of something better?
Third question: Any idea about why we should store it under our beds?
Fourth question: Does bird flu mean that the power will go off? I mean, why can't we just have good stuff in the refrigerator?
Fifth question: Would they have done better to let Michael "Heckofa Job" Brown handle this one?
Sixth question: Should we also buy duct tape?

Rick heard a cat somewhere in the world had bird flu and thought that was funny.
As for stocking up for a possible bird flu epidemic, our cat Oscar would be happy with the cans of tuna. I am a natural at stocking up for some type of disaster (yes, I bought a kerosene heater in Dec. 1999).
You can listen to a bird flu expert (Dr. Robert Webster) give a talk to a bunch of bankers (!) at http://db.kuluvalley.net/?s=77&a=18&34_1=5011&34_3=1&34_9=0b3501477ea7c7f584d176bd145cb89c
Yes, but why tuna and powdered milk. Suppose you really had to stock up. Why couldn't you have caviar and chardonnay under the bed? For that matter, why couldn't you have steaks and ice cream in the refrigerator?
you would get mad cow instead of bird flu if you go with the cow products.
Well, we need to think about whether or not we will have electricity.
If so, I am all for ice cream.
If not, how about cans of that underwood sandwich stuff and bread under the bed? Maybe stash your chocolate and wine in your mattress. Put cans of Ensure in your closet. And antivirals in a safe behind a painting.
Wouldn't you like to know what M. Brown has stashed under his bed?
Given a choice, I'd rather give up beef than chicken. Maybe I'll get a waterbed and fill it with chicken soup.
Food aside, I'm still trying to figure out why the power is going to go off if we get bird flu.
Incidentally, I am continuing to take Airborne and while Tina has had a truly bad cold with a bronchial cough, I am to date (knock on wood) cold free. Maybe they could make a Bird Flu Airborne.
Have I been misinformed? I thought all disasters included loss of electricity! How could you think you would really qualify as having a bona fide disaster unless you could not watch Stephen Colbert?
Barely, did you hear about the alleged mad cow case in Alabama?
And just think. Without power, we'd have to use snail mail to blog.
i have tried airborne to no avail. maybe my dna doesn't mesh with the second grade teacher's formula????
You have to drink it from a stemless wine glass at room temperature.
Have you heard about Mad Cowbird Flu?
so much for drinking from a jelly jar...i thought that would be how a second grade teacher would do it!!
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