Monday, February 06, 2006


What a swell party...

I went to a party last night. It was a hobo party, which meant that some people came costumed as hobos, but obviously those who didn't come in costume felt free to wear jeans or whatever. We were all asked to bring chili and all the chili was mixed together into a couple of pots on top of the stove. There were good toppings for the chili. Also a salad and some desserts and different drinks. We used paper plates and cups. There were about 20 people there at the maximum point. (Some came late, some left early, some watched the Superbowl, some didn't)

I'm planning to go an entirely different kind of party Friday -- or rather a gala arts benefit to which a hundred or more (could be 200) people will have bought tickets . The theme is "The Art of Chocolate." A number of fine restaurant chefs and caterers are involved. There will be a chocolate fountain with flowing milk chocolate sauce to dip fruit, pretzels and other stuff into, chocolate baklava, chocolate rum balls -- all sorts of chocolate gourmet treats, plus a wine tasting, plus a coffee tasting. This will be on the formal side, with a band. Also an art show.

Assuming that you'd like the people at either party, which of these parties appeals to you the most?

Or design one of your own.

I'm an obsessive introvert. Which one has wireless internet? Does anyone want to talk about school reform?
Okay, there was one person at the Hobo party who went into the study and worked on the computer the entire time. That probably wouldn't be possible at the Chocolate party.
i would pick the hobo party although i do love chocolate. i prefer to be with friends or friends of friends rather than people who pay to be seen even when it's for charity.
Yeah, I would probably go the hobo party for the same reasons at barely.

Jon Stewart has this weird running gag about killing a hobo. I don't really understand it. Or why there isn't some sort of protest.
All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to not riot. I think we should burn the Comedy Central flag to protest Jon Stewart's hobophobic humor.
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