Thursday, February 16, 2006


The Shadow Knows

I went back to high school today. I arrived at Houston County High School at 7:15 a.m. and "shadowed" a smart, cute junior named Denise, through British Lit, AP U.S. History, Girls Ensemble, Pre-Calculus, lunch, band -- she plays the clarinet -- and AP Physics. We walked 2000 miles (She was in high heeled boots and probably weighs 95 lbs.)
I will share the story and some photos , too, after I write it.

Barely, I'd like to do a story about being arrested next. Can you suggest an appropriate crime which wouldn't involve much jail time, but would provide authenticity for writing purposes?

do you want bond to be set by a magistrate and get out the same day or do you want to wait until the next thursday for superior court bond hearings to get more "insight"??:):)
Maybe I could just "shadow" a felon for a day.
If you manage to commit a crime and get arrested, be sure to ask for a "first offender" sentence so you won't have a record. Maybe you could just do something like disturb the peace? That could be fun!
shadowing a felon might not be a great idea since you could possibly be charged with party to the crime should a crime occur. my clients seem to always be arrested for absolutely no reason according to them so it might be difficult to know when to withdraw from the shadowing.:):)maybe you should just ride with a cop and pick an accused person from the cop's arrests and then shadow from there.
That defeats the purpose since I would be embedded with law enforcement, so to speak. Maybe I should just try running through the security thing at the courthouse looking shadowy and waving a muffin pan.
Would everyone here rather think about jail than about high school? I would!
Maybe I shouldn't admit this, but I made bad grades and had a good time in high school. I didn't really have a brain until later and then I only got it in small bits at a time.
the felon's eye-view is law enforcement. if you just want to go through the booking process, i'm sure that major holt would accommodate you. i can pretend to come see you and we can probably get a pic of you in the holding cell at the courthouse. i would suggest asking judge nunn rather than judge lukemire if you want a pretend bond hearing, but then ed agreed to be in some crazy ethics video that kelly was doing. i refused.:)
I went to the high school career fair today and saw two of the assistant DA's-- Russell Walker and another.They were giving away yellow frisbees with The Houston County District Attorney's Office printed on them. I asked Russell for one and said I wanted to give it to my friend Terry Everett. It's in my car. Does your office have frisbees?
no frisbees and no calendars with our picture on them either. your tax dollars hard at work!
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