Wednesday, February 01, 2006


The attention span of a gnat

Boyle County, Kentucky, is having its own private epidemic.

Personally, this is a great relief, because health professionals are saying that lethargy is a major symptom of this really truly virus, and I have been deeply sluggish for a week.

The other symptoms seem to be fever (not very bad), sore throat (not bad enough to run for the doctor, and gone in a couple of days), followed by dry cough, lethargy, and general fatigue.

I think the mental collapse starts two days before. No one goes to the doctor because she can't write an article (me) or finish relatively easy homework she's used to handling in minutes (Child 1).

Anyway, it's sweeping town. The county schools are closed for the rest of the week, because attendance is down to 85% and they'd rather add a day in the spring then operate that way. City schools are open, and had 95% attendance yesterday, but things will be a lot worse tomorrow if our house is a sample. Child 1 at our house was home today and the nurse told her not to go back until Monday, and Child 2 stayed in school until the last bell but is now clearly sickestof us all.

Has this bug been seen further south?

sorry to hear of your misery, sporcupine. georgia isn't suffering so far, but tomorrow is always another day as scarlett said. hope your family has a light case of the whatever. feel better soon!!
Also sorry to hear you guys are under the weather...I have heard of a number of folks having bronchitis around here recently.
Many people I know have taken an a seltzer type over-the-counter super-duper concotion of herbs and minerals cooked up by a school teacher....don't remember the name but will find out if you are interested. They swear it works well on virus type illnesses...who knows?
Speaking of illness, am a little concerned to hear of confirmed bird flu in Iraq.
What's your take on that?
I hope all of you Westons are feeling some better. Sounds like a drag, but since your have had the attention span of a hungry fox or perhaps a merecat most of your life, you can be gnat-like for a while. You need to have some chicken soup or an ice cream float, and to lie abed watching dumb t.v. and reading murder mysteries.
Also, do try the product Queen of Sheba is talking about It's called Airborne. It's full of Vitamin C (1000 mgs.per dose!) Magnesium, ginger and other good-for-you stuff. I've tried it and I'm a believer. It's been scoffed at in a couple of magazines, but here is MY TESTIMONY:
Last Saturday I had a slight runny nose and the beginning of a sore throat. I was at Kroger, feeling lousy, and I picked Airborne up on impulse at the cash register and took it when I got home. Runny nose stopped running shortly thereafter. Sore throat ceased to be sore. I forgot about the cold symptoms. The next day the sore throat was trying to kick in again, and I took it again. Had no further symptoms and just forgot about it until I read Queen of Sheba's comment.
You can read about it at
On the comic side, the first time I took it I didn't realize it was like an effervescent tablet like Alka-Seltzer. I just felt so lousy when I got home that day that I popped the container open and figured that they were so big I was probably supposed to chew them. So I had a mouth full of mega-fizz. Be aware that you're supposed to drop the tablets into water!I think kids would find the taste good. It's sort of like a revved-up Sprite.
Also, you're not using up your lifetime quota of antibiotics!
I've got a very good doctor, who sort of half-apologizes for suggesting natural remedies, but he told me that he and his wife take magnesium for colds, and he recommended it for my leg cramps. I got serious about calcium, and also threw in some potassium and B-12 for good measure after doing my own researcyh. The leg and foot cramps that were getting to be an every night problem are GONE. I don't have any trouble remembering to take that pile of pills at night, because it's so nice not to wake up with my leg muscles in knots. I saw a drugstore OTC remedy for leg cramps and read the ingredients, and it's the same basic stuff, only costs more and isn't as high-powered as my do-it-yourself version.
i bought some pink grapefruit airborne tonight. i'm prepared to be wired tomorrow.:)
Be sure to drop it into a glass of water first or you'll be effervescent.
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