Wednesday, January 11, 2006


TV Tangents and more

I enjoyed catching with the Barely-Sheba tangent on weather channel people, which reminded me to mourn the loss of Bill Hemmer.

So how about some UNFAVES?

Who's your unfavorite singer?

What's your unfavorite food?

What's the worst movie you ever saw?

My unfavorite singer is Andy Williams.

My unfavorite food is anything from Chik-Fil-A. The unfavoritest was their chicken biscuits until I had one of their chicken salad sandwiches. And I do not say this as No Spring Chicken, but as my very self. ACCK to Chik-Fil-A.

The worst movie I ever saw The Ten Commandments with Charlton Heston, and with Yul Brynner as the Pharoah. This is not an irreligious statement. I just thought it was truly fakey. Maybe somebody should do it over now that we have better special effects.
I try to avoid all "whiny white chick" singers. Beau maintains that Joan Baez qualifies, but I say you can't whine in a voice that beautiful.

No Krispy Creme doughnuts for me, ever.

"Eraserhead" is a mind-bogglingly bad movie. It's David Lynch, who did Twin Peaks, combined with claymation. It's in black and white, but mostly black. With dramatic music, Yecch!
Singer - Michael McDonald

Food - Raw carrots

Movie - anything along the lines of the scary Freddy K flicks
Food question: grits or hash-browns?
Broccoli or tiramisu?
Tiramisu and broccoli aside, where are you moving?
That's the one hazard of the literary present tense (which I revere) but also of careless reading. There's a point in your chicken essay about your moving which obviously referred to an earlier move. Okay if readers of this blog know who you are?
my unfavorite music is rap. my unfavorite food is liver. i have actually never eaten liver, but serial killers are always eating organs so i just say no. the absolute worst movie ever made is wise blood (although the book is okay). we rented it when we first moved here because alot of it was shot in macon, but you will note that their chamber of commerce doesn't list that accomplishment in their brochure. i should have remembered this when we were doing the family saying post. now when my husband and i see a bad movie we just shrug and say"it's no wise blood.":)
It's good to have you back with us, BarelyB. I truly don't like anything by Flannery O'Connor so it doesn't surprise me that the movie was bad.
i am back only to leave again in an hour or so. i'm doing a week of training for gpdsc so i'll miss the quiz this week.
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