Sunday, January 08, 2006


Queen of Sheba wants to know

Hey, what is your fav commercial of all times?

I had a hard time with this and realized it was because I watch CNN (which mostly has mystical commercials about money) and GPTV, which has none. But I did see one funny one in which a guy was trying to talk on the phone to a customer while working in an office completely full of chimpanzees throwing things and leaping around. My problem is that if they're really funny, I always forget what they're for!!
Trunk Monkey (check them out
i only watch the weather channel and occasionally gptv so i don't know alot of commercials. i loved the folger's commercials a few years back that had the coffee borrowing neighbor falling in love with the coffee lending neighbor. it was a whole series which was a neat concept. my husband has recently called me to the tv to watch the "priceless" commercials because we have a boston terrier. i particularly liked the one with the dog in the motorcycle sidecar.
The original ad for MacIntosh, from the 1984 Super Bowl. I love it for the wit, I love it for the product, and I love it for the complete certainty that Steve Jobs is both insane and insanely great. View here if desired (You have to scroll way down to find it)

I think Gruntled is cheating using a spoof ad. However, if that's the category, I must mention that when I was a newly hatched yuppy, Michelob thought it would be good to market to yuppies, and did those dreadful "Where you're going you've always known it" ads. And Saturday Night Live did the spectacular send up "Where you're going, you're going to fry."

That line is so good that my kids (well, at least Endub) remember it as a key warning about how not live.
I have to agree with Barely about the Folger's commercial. I just couldn't remember what they were advertising, but it was like a slow motion romance. Also, I remembered one that i think is grimly very funny and that's the one where the man brags about his house and all his possessions and he finally asks,"How do I do it?" and answers his own question. "I'm in debt up to my eyeballs."
Gruntled's trunk money is a hoot!
Watched the clip of the Mac ad (I do not remember it, but I've never watched a Super Bowl for more than a few seconds) about five times! Loved it!
Barely, I just have to know who your favorite forecaster at TWC might be...I like Bob Stokes and Cheryl Lemke. Rick says Cheryl is wife of baseball player Mark Lemke!I am sorry for going off on another tangent, No Red Hat!!!!
i refuse to have a new twc favorite. i used to love marnie when it first started, but then liz jarvis fabian told me that marnie was such a diva and i was crushed.:):)you may not even remember marnie. she was, i thought, sort of like melanie in gone with the wind. liz is the sister of jay jarvis who is the ballistics and blood expert for gbi
Barely, I do remember Marnie Stanier...checked it out on the web to find out what happened to her and found several sites with the information that she has a lawsuit against TWC for age discrimination.
marnie, you go girl....even if you are a diva. maybe i should contact her and offer to be a witness.:)
I'll tell you who I miss. Bill Hemmer, who used to be on CNN with Soledad O'Brian in the mornings. Suddenly he's gone, and there's this other guy who isn't nearly such a Krispy Kreme Donut type to have with yourmorning coffee.
Marny Stanier and I were in the same class at Stephens College, Columbia, MO. A school that has contributed greatly to the fashion industry, theatre, and education.

I remember her as quite bright, good-natured, polite, and confident - without pretense or snobbery. As she ventured into television, we teased her about being "The Weathergirl" but applauded her success sincerely.

A Stephens Woman is a woman of integrity and quality. Marny Stanier is that same.
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