Monday, January 30, 2006


Pick one, two or or all

If you could write one book and get it published, would it be fiction or non-fiction? If fiction, what kind? If non-fiction, what would it be about?
If you could play one musical instrument really well. which one would you choose?
If you could be truly good at one kind of dancing, what kind would you choose?
If you could be instantly fluent in one other language than English, which would you choose?

I would tapdance, play the piano and speak Spanish. As for the book, if I could get one published for sure, I think it would be the unfinished one about the fairies in the Middle Georgia woods, but I'd settle for the smalltown southern mystery that's been sitting around at a certain publishing house since last April. Grrrr.
Piano and Spanish for me. I'd like to be good at country line dancing, though I know that would mean rewiring certain parts of my brain that just don't do mirror image movements right.

If I could publish a book, it would be a replacement for a 107-page monstrosity called "Kentucky's Standards and Indicators for School Improvement." I'd rip out the redundancies, the twisted syntax, the mangled legal terminology, the ghastly recurring adverbs and the monstrous formatting. I'd produce a document with all the concepts, one-third of the words, and one-thirtieth of the reader headaches.

(I ought to want a truly new book, but I have a condition that Endub's sister has defined as "the attention span of a gnat" and I've been that way for 10 days now. The idea of a long, deep writing project gives me the shudders just now.)
i would do fiction, probably a mystery since that's my favorite genre. i would choose piano as a practical instrument and flute as impractical. my knees can't dance so i have no dance lust. spanish
sporcupine -Why don't you just write "Kentucky's Standards and Indicators for School Improvement made Comprehensible" It would only be about 35 pages and you could have it printed yourself, and offer to sell it to people for enough to cover the printing cost.
Writing well is the best revenge.
Re your daughter's gnat-comment, that is probably an indication that you are working too hard.

barely -- I hope your knees get better. If I actually did tapdance, I'd probably have to be in traction for a month. On the other hand it would be so funny for anybody who saw it, it would probably be a service to the community.
Are you going to get to defend your fellow attorney who bit the policeman on the thigh?
I've rewritten many KDE things: that tactic is the origin of the phrase "why buy the porcupine if you can get the quills for free."

Unfortunately, I'm trying to be friends with the people who put it out, which generates all kinds of ambivalence and delay.

I am NOT working too hard and I do NOT have insomnia! My eyes are closed and I am sound asleep.
I have imagined a series of novels modeled on Trollope's Barchester series -- but set in America, and with the low church folks as the good guys.

Piano, so I could sing silly songs to my family.

My daughters have forbidden me to dance.

Korean -- that's where the action is in Presbyterian world.
my office is defending said former attorney, but not me personally. my chief assistant does the case assignments, and she took pity on the judges and assigned him to someone else.
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