Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Left to my own devices, I would...

Note to Calicocatters: Blogger will be doing maintenance work tonight so the blog is likely to be out of operation for a few hours.

Princess Whatever used the term "left to my own devices" in her comment under "Bragging Rights." This leads me to ponder the meaning of that expression. What prevents us from being "left to our own devices" ?
The inherent restraints of salaried jobs for one thing. Having to run things past bosses or get approval from committees. Selling our time for a salary -- which can make it possible to do some important things, but also make it impossible to do others. (I can write about local government, but I can't run a campaign for somebody) Maybe a lack of sufficient funds. Maybe other responsibilities that must come first.
Despite living in a power-point, brain-storming, consortium world, I believe that, while true creative teamwork is total joy, most really good things start with one idea in one person's head -- and that no committee can replace the energy of an individual left to his or her own devices to act on a mission (or obsession)
In fact, often committees keep things from happening.
I have also had projects killed by persons above my head. I don't remember or resent the ideas that got hatcheted by a simple NO. The ones I keep grinding my teeth over are the ones that died aborning because somebody else truly liked the idea, absconded with it, complicated it, procrastinated and basically kept it from ever happening.
I'm thinking more and more about such things as I near retirement and ponder routes to independence.
So, let's get our heads together on the subject of what we would do if "left to our own devices," which basically means if we were free to make something happen.
Write a comment that starts, "Left to my own devices, I would...."

Aha! I didn't know you even had a negative side.
Left to my own, that's a scary thought.:)
Left to my own devices,I would pick a small town somewhere in the U.S. and drive to it and just go from person to person saying, "Tell me the truth about this town." And then I would go home and write a book called "The Truth about This Town."
Left to my own devices, I would get rid of 1/3 of the things in every room in my house, rip down all the battered grasscloth, and paint all the walls the color of lion fur. (Actually, that would require my own devices and the strength of Samson.)

Left to my own devices, I would completely reformat a monstrous document called "Kentucky's Standards and Indicators for School Improvement." It's an insane shape (legal landscape) with incoherent spacing and font sizes and shading, and it would take two full days to make it look right.

Left to my own devices, I would find a hair stylist as good as the one my Aunt Adrienne took me to when I was twenty so he could show me how I should look until I turn 66.
Left to my own devices I would run for county commission.
Lion fur?
if you are running for public office, don't question a voter's choice of wall covering.
She's not one of my constituents.
Left to my own devices, I would fill my school with posters. Most of these would be funny, light things. Some of these would be a little mean and about my teachers. Not very mean. I'd save that for e-mails.
Left to my own devices, I would learn html. And how to do flash animations. And how to make video games. And battlebots.
Left to my own devices, I would make 4" high Sculpey figurines of everyone I know, and make puppet shows of them.
Left to my own devices, I would trim (meaning chop of the top four feet of branches) the bushes that are completely blocking the windows in the dining room.
Left to my own devices, it would be a significant whether you were pro-ninja or pro-pirate.
I want a quite light brown with a slight note of yellow to it, and "lion-colored" was the way I described it to Gruntled the first time I could see it in my head. Obviously, I should actually be left to my own devices long enough to find some color chips that actually fit what I imagine, even thought it will be years and years before I can deal with the grass cloth problem. (After we "pay off the children," probably.)
Describing the desired color as "tawny" would probably avoid the "whatchutawkin' 'bout" problem.

Left to my own devices, I would sleep.

Bragging about being able to sleep is a sore topic with some of us.
Endub, how can we take ninja and pirate sides if we don't know what they are? How about those who laugh at Roz Chast cartoons and those who don't? Or those who live on the right side of their brains and those who live on the left side?
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