Saturday, January 14, 2006


Good-for-you foods

I’m trying to eat right without getting ideological  about it. Also my doctor said to try to eat a high-fiber diet.  So I’m staring at nutrition labels and reading on the net about how fiber lowers cholesterol and all that stuff. There is no martyrdom here for me since many of the good-for-you foods (excepting tofu) are foods I like anyway.  I even like lentils and barley.
My main conclusion after much label-reading is that if it wasn’t around in 1940, it probably isn’t good for you, I’m going to make an exception.
The pre-sliced fresh apples in a zip-lock bag that Dole puts out - are great to have at work, and all my co-workers agree. I know I could accomplish the same thing by squeezing lemon juice on slices I made myself, but the thing is that I WON’T, so I’m going to indulge in these with the money I save by not buying Xaxby’s chicken salad sandwich basket or racks of sizzling sweet ribs at Sonny’s.
Anybody got a favorite that’s actually good for you, too?

I like fruit bowls from Wendy's!
I like brown rice if there's something good around to add flavor. And I like oatmeal on the same basis. And lean meat roasted like they tell you to. And mixed green salads.

Only, all of those are a lot more work than "Big Mac Value Meal, please." Why is that? Is the fat stuff cheaper? Or is the demand just vastly bigger? Or has no one thought of combining quick with really wise to eat?
My hubby loves oatmeal and says he believes eating more of it has helped lower his cholesterol level in the past few months.
Has anyone seen the documentary "SuperSize Me"? I believe it is all about fast food, McDonald's especially. Would like to see it one day.
Wendy's salads are good. Also I think Subway has good options, but it just takes too long. I'm trying to make sure I take food from home.
Maybe somebody will invent a fast food that tastes good and is good for you. I think the reason everybody eats hamburgers and fries is that, let's face it, they taste good. It's like fried chicken. I don't eat it any more, but I still think really good fried chicken is food for the Gods.
I like brown rice with any of the southern peas (black eyes, field peas,crowder peas) topped with cold salsa or pico de gallo. Maybe somebody could come up with McHoppinJohn.
Oatmeal is one of my favorite foods. The regular stuff cooks just about as fast in the microwave as the "instant" and is less refined and better for you. Get some granola or muesli to add to the top of it. For some weird reason I love wheat germ and I add that. How about McOatmeal? (They'd probably put M&Ms in it)
Oatmeal with an oreo in it is great.

Peanut butter is nature's perfect food.

Crushed ice is fiber.
Crushed ice is too refined to be high in fiber,Gruntled. You want fiber, eat cereal boxes.
Re peanut butter, I read once that if you had peanut butter, oranges and graham crackers you'd have complete nutrition.
What we need is a fast food place where the voice through the little microphone says, "Fries? You have got to be kidding. You're getting tofu!"
Will try that. I have discovered that if you sprinkle bran buds in hot oatmeal, they taste very much like nuts. In fact it is a good addition.
1.A wondrous find. Lean Cuisine has come up with The Chicken Club Panini, which is a sandwich of chicken strips with bacon, tomatoes, cheese and ranch dressing on sourdough bread. 320 calories. This is a good thing, as is their spinach pizza.
2. Three-can soup: One can Progresso Lentil Soup, one can undrained black beans, one can Del Monte petite diced tomatoes, and a lot of Emeril Essence (Or seasoning of your choice) Heat and eat with bunches of crackers. Great for visiting vegetarians, I think. You could add some rice or maybe some corn to get a complete protein.
i love almonds. i also like yogurt and string cheese. i have all three at my office. one should have two large size snickers washed down with a large diet mountain dew and call it lunch. i tried it last week and got a wowee headache. i was worse than chicken with a red hat on drugs.:)
When I was younger I could have eaten two Snickers and drunk the Mountain Dew and survived. I had a cast iron constitution. My co-workers and I would get Church's Fried Chicken at lunch, and I would ask for everybody's Jalapenos. Then one night it all changed. I had a Manwich Sandwich on a burned bun followed by a "tropical" wine cooler. I never even knew I had an esophagus befor then, but I've had G.E.R.D ever since.
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