Sunday, January 01, 2006


Country mice, town mice, city mice

I think something we all may have in common is having lived both in rural and urban settings. I’ve lived 12 miles from New York City and also on Harner Road in Kathleen.
If I could pick a perfect place to live, I think it would be a small New England town nestled between mountains and the ocean within easy driving distance of a big city with museums and bookstores. It wouldn’t really be in New England except in the fall, though. (New England is unbelievable in the fall). It would be in Georgia in the spring. I’m not sure about winter and summer. It would have a “flowin’ well” with ice cold artesian water in the middle of the downtown, but the downtown would have a coffee house that offered chai tea and biscotti.
Anybody else got a fantasy of the best place to live, or are you already living there?

Danville is mighty close to perfect. We need a good bakery and another ethnic restaurant, and I think we'd be as close as practically possible. We couldn't be close to museums or oceans without losing the small town plusses.

Second choice, in the right phase of life, would be a convenient apartment right in the middle of a fun city. The right phase means healthy and either before or after children. I'm just back from looking at our old Washington apartment near Dupont Circle, and that definitly had its moments.
It's neat that you picked the right place. One thing about real city life that even the smallest towns are losing is having shops close by. I think it would be wonderful (and healthful) to have all the basic necessities within walking distance.
since there are pluses and minuses of whatever the environment, i have decided that home is where you have reasonable access to family and friends. you can always commute for adventure and fine dining or museums and mountains.
Hmmm. You both sound so sensible and contented.
That's good.
My one time (wah! She moved) Lifestyle writer, Laura Ingalls Gunn, told me that after her uprooted childhood and so much moving around with a husband in the military, home to her was wherever her husband and children were.
Perry needs a steak house, and some place with a good breakfast buffet.
I like the city and small towns.

Small towns are nice and quiet. The traffic is light. You can see the stars at night.

The city offers everthing you could want if you can make your way through the traffic.

I would have to vote for a Georgia spring. When most of the country is still frigid, Georgia bursts into a fairyland of blossom.
Georgia is definitely the best place to be in the spring, but I'd like to have one good blizzard a year.
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