Sunday, January 08, 2006


Chicken Pounding

A while back I asked Chef Audrey why grilled chicken breasts always tasted so much better in restaurants than they do at home, and she said, "Because we pound them." I finally got around to buying a $3 pounder at Kroger (It was called a "meat tenderizer", with one side flat and one pointy.) I put two chicken breasts in a zip lock bag and pounded them thoroughly with the flat side. Then I added some Balsamic vinaigrette to the bag, zipped it up and let it sit in the fridge for two or three hours. Then zapped them in the George Foreman grill, although they'd have done fine under the broiler. Result? I will never cook one un-pounded again. I have eaten one. The second will go into a salad to take to work tomorrow.

Did everybody else already know this?

i knew this but rarely do it because my vegetarian daughter already tries to make me feel guilty about eating my brother and sister chickens so i really feel bad when i beat them up first.:):)
I have made it a rule never to eat any chicken who was a member of my family.
lucy thinks we are all one big family of living animals so all chickens are your brothers and sisters.
Here's a joke I hope you haven't already heard. Don't tell Lucy.
This man bought a parrot who turned out to have a very foul mouth. Whenever the man had visitors over the parrot squawked loudly and cursed and said inappropriate things to the ladies. The man tried to teach the parrot better manners but nothing worked. Then one day, the man's minister came to visit and the parrot cursed so terribly and noisily that the man rushed grabbed the parrot from his cage and stuffed him into the freezer.
A half hour later when the preacher had gone, the man relented and went and opened the freezer door. The parrot was cold, of course, but he also seemed very subdued. He said, "Thank you very much, kind sir, for letting me out." He went into his cage and sang a hymn softly. When spoken to, he responded with good manners.
Finally, the parrot asked the man, "If you don't mind my asking, what exactly did that chicken do?"
loved the joke.:)
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