Sunday, January 08, 2006


Aha! Books in the bottom of the bag

Rare reading bonanza. Barelyblogging brought me a shopping bag full of books a few days agao , which appeared to be a whole lot of popular paperback murder and mayhem, including some I thought I hadn't read until I got five pages into them. Finally, I dumped the whole bag out on my bed and found, AHA!
1. "Forgetting Ourselves on Purpose" by Brian J. Mahan, which is one of those wonderful Catholic books, with a lot of Thomas Merton tucked in and includes this wonderful quotation from Frederick Buechner: "The place God calls you to be is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet." (Which I have now read all of.)
2. "The Last Word" which is a collection of obituaries and farewells from the New York Times with lots of fascinating essays on people I never heard of. Which I have read about half of and will continue with a bit at a time. Really good journalism and personal essays more than obituaries. Most of the people written about are not famous, but fascinating.
3. A book by DonaldMcCullough, "If grace is so amazing why don't we like it?" I've never heard of McCullough, but I going to take to bed with me now, since it has a cover blurb by Anne Lamott, and Anne Lamott is just crazy enough and spiritual enough to make a good recommendation. So we'll see.
I'm wondering if Barely knew those were in the bag, but she's not getting them back until I finish them. :)

Hey, may I read "The Last Word" when you are finished?
I should finish reading "Christ The Lord, Out of Egypt" (by Anne Rice) this week and will drop it off to you, noredhat.
If anyone else would like to read it, feel welcome to get it from noredhat.
Sure. (It's Barely's book but she probably doesn't know it's gone :) Let's aim toward the end of the week.
I was glad to hear from somebody since it was beginning to echo in this blog.
Like the Swiss Miss commercial?
Hey, what is your fav commercial of all times?
oh you of little faith. i chose those books especially to share with you. they were on the bottom because they were hardcover and the bag would have tipped over if i had put them on top. the obituary book usually stays on the bedside table in my guestroom, and many people say they have enjoyed reading a blurb here and there. grace is the latest concept i'm struggling with, and this book has some good points. the vocation book i promised to bring you before thanksgiving and never quite got around to it. queenof sheba may certainly read the book and return it to me later.:):)
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