Saturday, January 28, 2006


Agree or Disagree

Since we need a new subject to save sPorcupine from the silly giggles, I will now venture a number of opinions (which may or may not be my own) out of the blue, any of which people can agree with or disagree with.
1. When voices on automated telephone systems say, "Your call is really important to us," they really mean, "We hope to annoy you until you hang up."
2. Laura Bush has really gorgeous clothes.
3. Lawyer jokes aren't really funny.
4. Sometimes, no matter how carefully you follow the instructions, Jell-O fails.
5. I have always wanted to try a deep-fried Snickers bar.
6. The harder people work the more money they make.
7. Ralph Nader should run for president one more time.
8. Nobody really likes bagpipe music except people who play bagpipes.
9. I can look at Teddy Kennedy on TV without ever thinking of Chappaquiddick.
10. There is nothing they can add to yogurt that will make me buy it.

Regarding 4: One way for Jello to fail is if your uncle opens the package and pours out just a little and only mentions the part about opening the package, until you're at Thanksgiving dinner and the Jello and cottage cheese has slid under everyone's turkey and stuffing. That isn't chemical failure, though: just one of those family things.
Is Jell-O chemical? Yikes!! I thought it was organic, like boiling calves hooves for donkey's years.
Re your uncle, at least he never put mashed potatoes in the tacos.
Laura Bush does have nice clothes--trim enough that I'd hesitate about "pretty," but I like the way they look.

Even more, I appreciate Hillary Clinton's pantsuit style. I remember when she was wobbling around from granny dress to Cinderella ball to I don't know what. I hated the fact that anybody cared at all. At the same time, I knew people did care, so I wanted her to be a role model of a woman with power whose clothes weren't a way to write her off--because I wanted to be one of them too.

I assume she has to spend $10,000 a year to pull off the look, plus another $10,000 to have someone make her hair look effortless.
Ralph Nader shouldn't have run for president once. The silver lining of his vanity candidacies is that he himself proved the error of his own slogan, "there is no difference between the two main parties."
The people I know who have said they voted for Nader have been people who wanted to seem savvy about politics without really keeping up with the issues. So a Nader posture was supposed to trump the aces of both Republicans and Democrats during arguments, as in "a pox on both your houses."
1. i hate it when there is absolutely no option to talk with a real person. i try to not do business with thos companies. 2. not my style and i doubt it's really her style either. she almost always is being "handled". 3. some lawyer jokes are funny and some aren't. some lawyers are a joke. 4. i can't make jello even without uncle tampering. 5. tried one - hated it!! 6. totally disagree. 7 i'm no nader fan. 8. i like bagpipe music, but i don't play them. 9. i usually don't think of chappaquiddick. 10. i love yogurt.
1. I think that they set up those telephone systems so that you get through quickly if you want to order something or pay a bill -- otherwise, they just spin you around.
2. I like Laura's clothes.
3. Agree with Barely, although I like a good joke no matter what.
4. Jell-O fails 40 percent of the time.
5. I'll take Barely's word for it.
6. Most of the hardest working people make the least money.
7. Nader has messed up a great legacy of safety advocacy by running for president.
8. I like bagpipe music if there are pipers present. Wouldn't buy a CD of it.
9. I never see Teddy without thinking of Chappaquiddick.
10.My true sentiments, although I did buy it for my children.
My favorite Jell-O story is that once I made Jell-O "jigglers" for sPorcupine's daughters (when they were very young) and we got out cutters and they cut shapes very neatly, but then I left the room for a few minutes and Endub, who has been an artist with her own ideas from birth, got a box of Uncle Ben's long grain rice and used it to put faces and buttons on on her jiggler cut-outs.
Re Nader: The only thing required for evil to triumph is for too many egomaniacs to run against it in the general election.
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