Tuesday, December 20, 2005



I’ve managed not to go into Macon Mall (or whatever it’s called now) for something like ten years, but today I wandered into the Galleria Mall in Warner Robins and wound up walking for what seemed like miles like a rat in an overcrowded maze. Not only that, but the stores were full of psuedo-stuff. There was a bookstore, but the books were all remaindered. There were five or six places to get your fingernails and toenails messed with, and I saw a woman with a booth for “magnetic jewelry,”   Granted this is a kind of ersatz mall, but why are there malls anyway?  What’s the attraction, and why have they displaced downtowns?

i rarely do malls since i mostly shop online now. the advantage of a mall is that once you get inside, you are away from rain, heat, whatever. one usually has several stores to choose from if looking for a particular item such as a white blouse. there are usually stores that appeal to the whole family so you can agree to meet back at the food court and let everyone go their separate ways. if you don't want to shop, you can walk for your health while the rest of the family scatter to favorite stores. i haven't been to mall of georgia yet, but everyone insists that it is an "experience".:):)
Where is the Mall of Georgia? (So I can not go)
I'm with you, No Red Hat. I hate malls. When I have to go, I try to go to Northlake or the mall in Macon. They are small compared to Lenox Square or Perimeter. (Both are so big and upscale they offer valet parking!)

I believe the Mall of Georgia is the largest in the Southeast. It is in Buford--about 30 miles northeast of Atlanta. It is as much a tourist attraction as a shopping mall. It even has an Imax and an ice skating rink. I haven't been there and don't want to go.

No wonder I enjoy Montezuma!
Northlake Mall is near my mom-in-law's home...it has a cool little restaurant, the Crescent Moon. One of my fav dishes is a scrambled egg/salmon/cream cheese mixture that is delicious!
The best thing I can say about a mall is it is a great place to people watch.
I'm with the Queen.

Malls are good for watching people while having fancy snacks. They're also good for seeing strange things that other people buy.

Last year, I bought a pan from Williams-Sonoma by internet, but first I went to the mall and lifted all the pans to be sure I knew which one I wanted. And I tried on four shirts at Eddie Bauer to be completely sure that nothing from the catalogue would ever fit me--saving a lot of postage.
I like people-watching at the grocery store. Have you ever noticed what weird groceries other people buy? Things like canned beets and turkey cutlets. Also there are the people who are buying entire carts full of terrible junkfood, so you imagine them sitting down with their children at the dinner table and saying, "No, you can't have a Little Debbie Strawberry Swirl filled cupcake until you've eaten your Froot Loops and Beef Jerkey."
Maybe I should go to the mall with one of you mallites to see what it's all about.
I didn't know there was a Cresent Moon in Northlake! Thank you. I used to eat at the one in Decatur. The food was great! Northlake is just down the street from me in Atlanta. We'll have to go some weekend when we stay in town. (You should try The Heap for breakfast.)
Malls are also good for finding clothes for teenagers. Tomorrow, we leave early, drive to Cincinnati, and rendezvous with friends at the fancy mall, so that Beau and his best bud can drink coffee while we try AGAIN to find Molly a formal suit. I will also pet the computers at the Apple store. Two hours up the road, though, the big shopping will be at the gigantic outlet "mall," where we buy standard jeans and shirts and maybe will look for a coat Molly can wear in the cold, cold northern world next winter. That place also has good French fries, whichis always important!
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