Saturday, December 31, 2005


home again, home again

I am home from the hospital where all went well. I am minus one gall bladder and SIX stones and have some little scars that look sort of like an angry rooster jumped on my tummy. Am in no pain at all, but a little wobbly when it comes to getting up from chairs or beds, getting in and out of car and so on, and definitely will have to take it easy for a few days.
Anyway, back to the real purpose of life: Escape Reading.
I read Carl Hiaason's "Skinny Dip" while at the hospital and recommend it to anybody who likes good escape reading. (All of his books are fun and trashy in the same way that Janet Evanovich's and Elmore Leonard's books are, which is to say that he's a good writer who has decided to write entertainment.)
"Skinny Dip" is out in paperback now.
I've gotten where I've read so much popular fiction and am so much more aware of authors than titles, that I don't know from the title whether I've read a book or not. I have to stop in the store and read a few pages. Now I'm going to start on "Clouds of Witness" by Dorothy L. Sayers, whom I have mostly avoided for years, so it's new to me.
Anybody got any more recommendations along the "what to read while you're laid up" category?

I'm glad your gall bladder is no more.:) since this is the busy time for us, i haven't read much lately so i'll have to ponder a book for you to read. welcome back!!!
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