Monday, December 05, 2005


Hey, everybody!

Can't believe I've abandoned this blog so long. But naturally I've got excuses. For one thing, my job has been like something Lewis Carroll wrote, and for another, I had this ailment which required taking medicines that lowered my IQ. Duh.
Have you ever had a cramp in your leg? You know those things that happen early in the morning and you jump out of bed and stomp around? Well, I had one in the parking lot of Kitchen Gallery in WarnerRobins, and it didn't go away from stomping around. It was my right leg, and that was on Russell Pkwy. (For those of you who don't live around here, 5 or 6 lanes of drivers who'd rather be flying jets). So I called Tina and off we went to the hospital, where their response was to give me two shots and three prescriptions. Zonk Snore. Then one of the meds made my legs swell up. Finally I got to my real doctor (who is a a darling young man) and he told to stop taking all the stuff and start taking this magnesium pill (Slo-mag).
And all through this, I was a newspaper person!! I mean that I covered three or four events and wrote about a dozen stories, long and short.
So what's the next topic?
Where do our work ethics come from? (It sure isnt about getting rich) What pushes us on when we'd rather fall across the sofa and watch some dumb sitcoms?
Why are some people comfortable with being lazy while other people rush out to work with weird things going wrong with their leg muscles? I think that maybe deep down i am convinced that if I ever really stop, I willwind down and never start up again.

you left out about inviting the fire department for thanksgiving.:)
but enough about you, on to me...i was brought up to think i was a very special person and that i was required to stand in the gap for those who weren't so special. i was taught that to not work when i was being paid to work was the same as stealing. doing a half job was believed to be more of a mess than doing nothing at all. i was expected to do my part to leave the world a better place. this was my foundation from my parents and then being a child of the 60's was just icing on the cake.
To put food on my family ...
Shortly after raising the topic of work ethic I decided that I would take my 96 hours of vacation time before the end of 2005. It will be the first time I've had two weeks off in a row since 1996. Maybe I asked that question just as my work ethic was imploding.
good for you!!
I keep hearing this voice telling me that intelligence without decency is dangerous: what mattered is what you do with your talents.

My guess is that NoRedHat isn't losing her work ethic at all. Instead, she's just caught a whiff of other work she'd rather be doing, but work that doesn't come with a paycheck.
A healthy work ethic is meaningful. It connects to a thoughtful understanding of life, and as a result, you find the work intrinsically worthwhile. It rests on your shoulders lightly, like a cloak you put on voluntarily and could take off again.

In its unhealthy form, a work ethic gets disconnected from any meaning. You keep on doing it, but you can't explain it and you don't love it anymore. It feels like an iron cage you can't escape.

When that happens, it's time for a MAJOR revolt, preferably one that creates new reasons for effort that makes sense. (Which might also occur during a 96 hours vacation.)
thanx youguys
I'm hoping that this comment will show up since I'm having trouble at this end of the blog with it crashing and having various dysfuctions, so first I'm going to see it this comment gets printed. Wish me luck
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