Monday, December 26, 2005


Happy Day after Christmas

I hope you all had a nice Christmas. I certainly did, and am happy to report to all calicocatters that among my Christmas gifts were a set of elegant stemless wine glasses from sPorcupine and a turkey roaster and fire extinguisher from Gretchen and Steve. Also much else, my children being gift geniuses.
We did something different this year. Our Christmas Eve dinner (ham, pecan apple stuffing, corn casserole etc.) came ready to heat up from Publix, and our Christmas dinner (smoked turkey, really good dressing and gravy, green bean casserole and macaroni and cheese) came from Sonny's. Christmas dinner was Uncle Wally's treat, and there was enough for a small army. This was all very good food, and having shopped for holiday meals countless times, I'd say that it didn't cost any more than cooking from scratch.
This came about by happenstance. Wally wanted to do something for us for Christmas and we had generally agreed on his providing the main dish -- which I thought was to be ham -- so I ordered the ham dinner at Publix, but it turned out he adamantly meant to have turkey, so he and Tina ordered the turkey dinner from Sonny's, and I decided I'd get the ham and sides anyway because I was tired of turkey and knew we needed something for Christmas Eve.
This turned out to be a very fortunate decision, because I was dopey from a shot of Demerol for most of Christmas Eve day, and had sort of a "What, me worry?" attitude toward the usual Christmas preparations.
That leads to the natural irony of taking vacation time. I will be off-line temporarily during this week to get my gall bladder taken out. I feel fine writing this and was fine through Christmas, but wasn't so fine about 2 a.m. Christmas Eve morning when I had a whopper of a gall bladder attack, so the plan is to take the useless thing out before there's another attack, but I'm having to wait for the drs. to come back from their Christmas celebrations.
I will keep you all posted on this, but it's nothing dire. I mainly just want to get it done and then read all my Christmas books.

whoa. this will be a christmas to remember. at which hospital are you planning your stay?
If Dr. Cabasares won't make house calls, I guess at the Perry Hospital.
Did you have a good Christmas?
I'm glad you seem to be feeling better now. When will you have the surgery?

Hope you will feel up to having New Year's dinner with us. If you can't, we'll sure miss you, but we'll understand.
i'll try to pop over to see you, probably smelling of the jail.:):) i had a very subdued christmas, but that's what i wanted. today we are seeing the people who didn't have such a nice holiday, but hoping they will get bonded before new year's day.
The sonogram lady says I have "mother-daughter" gallstones -- one large, one small. I've gotten all the tests and stuff done now, and am waiting to hear from Dr. C's office. Will let you know, but don't come to see me in the hospital(which will only be 24 hrs. and I'll be dopey). Do plan to come by after I get home instead. I'm planning to be a splendid invalid for a couple of days and hold court from the living room sofa.
i might bring you one of those philly steak things. that would take care of visiting the invalid and my new year's resolution all at one time.:):)
Surgery is set for Friday a.m. and I will come home Saturday. I'm not so sure about Philly Steak though. May be on a bland diet. Company will be appreciated though and I promise not to show you the videotape of my laparascopic surgery,
In the meantime, I am up late working on the Jan. 7 quiz.
We will be by New Year's Day. Hope it's not too bad. Laser surgery is over so fast you'll be home before you know it.
ask when you can have a glass of wine.:):)
Our next movie matinee can feature the surgery!
And, do ask when you can have wine! I have a bottle that is begging to be opened. (We will share, barely!)
Please take care!
Meanwhile, the tornado sirens are blaring here in Perry...but red hat knows Perry is protected - according to residents of long ago.
Yes, when we heard the wail of the sirens, the first thing I thought was "Silly sirens! Tornados never strike here."
For the rest of you, the Queen of Sheba and I have worked together at the HHJ, and one of our favorite stories was when it became clear that Perry's civil defense alarm hadn't been working for, what, years?
I don't even remember which of us called to ask about it, but the explanation was that it wasn't a big problem because as everybody except me and the queen knew, Perry was Protected from Tornados, had never been struck and wouldnever been struck. That, by the way, was why the Indians settled along Big Indian Creek - because they knew that no tornado would ever strike. (This is one of several reasons that we call it Practically Perfect Perry.)
i unfortunately live in wr, which was blown away a few years before i arrived.i'm sure the donald would be out in his cowboy boots knocking on doors should the need to evacuate arise.:}
You couldn't evacuate Warner Robins. Look what you've got. 85,000 people and like two roads out, and those are filled up with those orange and white cones and Ned's and Tommy's Tonka trucks. It's not like Practically Perfect Perry where we have 10,000 people with four interstate exits and a beltway with no traffic on it.We're not only protected. We could also evacuate faster than a speeding tornado and have hot meals and clean sheets for everybody, too.
maybe you should rewrite the chamber of commerce pamphlet while you are recuperating.:)
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