Tuesday, October 18, 2005


The Queen requests a tea party

The Queen of Sheba suggested that I write a newspaper feature on tea, which struck me as a fine idea, but I will start here to get ideas. We are not talking about Iced Tea (Done that) but about hot tea.
I like Tazo Chai Tea (the decaf kind that comes in a carton) mixed half and half with milk, and miked. Tazo boxes have very witty comments on them.
Also am a longstanding Constant Comment Fan.
Like Sporcupine's darling husband (He really is quite cute) I'm partial to coffee. However, I tend toward tea when I've got a cold. I also like the IDEA of tea, so tend to have multiple boxes of tea bags all around, as does my sister. We probably have enough tea right now to stock the pantry at Buckingham Palace for six months. The Queen says that she's discovered green tea and likes that, but I will ask her to explain herself in her own comments. The Queen (I have the advantage of knowing everybody) is also partial to art featuring melancholy 19th century ladies, cats, large wicker chairs and various forms of romanticism. So tea fits right in.
Discussion is now open on the subject of tea.:

I like to drink decaf tea at "midnight tea-parties." A midnight tea-party is my name for dealing with arthritis pains in the wee hours of the morning. If I am uncomfortble and can't sleep, I get up, make some decaf tea, take some pain killer pills, and play with my computer until I feel sleepy again. Then I go back to bed and catch some more zees. Since I am retired, it doesn't make any difference if I sleep late as a consequence of a midnight tea-party. It used to bother me if I woke up in the wee hours and couldn't sleep...Now I just say "wot the hell" and get up for a while. One of the perks of old age.
there is no tea i don't like except maybe the really syrupy indian concoction. i'm not a coffee drinker so tea is my thing. i had culture shock when i remarried and moved to new jersey and kept forgetting to order iced tea and automatically got the cup of hot water and a tea bag. when we moved to georgia, waitresses looked askance when i asked for iced tea, like duh! one of the nice things about being ex-military is the commissary with a huge array of different teas. i buy a sampler box from time to time and just drink my way through the box. i guess i'm pretty redneck since i don't discriminate and have a favorite type. i drink hot tea more in the winter with the exception of eating japanese or chinese and tend toward iced tea the rest of the year. i'm not a huge fan of the new flavored iced teas.
My hubby learned green tea supposedly lowers cholesterol. Now, we have a cup of hot green tea (mine with honey) at bedtime.
Like Charlotte, I like Chai tea (with half and half).
For some reason hot tea makes me think of Agatha Christie and Hercule Poirot. I wonder why.
I also drink lots more hot tea during the winter months, barelyblogging. Never tried the indian concotion...what's in it?
Char, I look foward to reading your tea story...by the way, the sad lady gazing out to sea is now propped up on a towel rack in my bathroom. Can't find the weepy lady leaning against a tree - remember her?
i was afraid to ask, queen of sheba. it tastes sort of like the old coke machines from elementary school with the cup sliding down and only getting the coke syrup without any water.
Whath good when you have a code ith peppermint tea. Only don't put sugar in it because if you do it tastes like chewing gum.
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