Sunday, October 09, 2005


Inner Child Survey

I love that commercial that shows the man in an argument with his inner child about having a cappucino.

My inner child would win without a fight on the cappucino because I have no resistance to fancy coffees, and will pay ridiculous sums at bookstores just to drink the stuff out of a paper cup, despite the fact that I really think that anybody selling coffee for $3-4 a cup should serve it in a pottery mug at the very least.
My inner 5 year-old mainly comes out in other ways. For example, I am still persuaded that I would choke, gag and fall under the table if I had to eat canned spinach or canned asparagus, I still don't wear shoes longer than five minutes when I enter my own abode, and at some deep level, I am still worried that there is something under the bed, because I HAVE to have my feet covered to go to sleep.
On the positive side, I still like Babar and Bugs Bunny.

Anybody else got an inner child?
or maybe an inner teenager?

i'm still an outer child.
Do you have older siblings?
i have a sister who is 5 years younger, but she acts about 30 years older. she would agree. she is a retired elementary school science teacher and because she got bored, she became a space cadet trainer at space camp in huntsville, alabama. otherwise she is extremely normal. she used to beg our mother to say that one of us was adopted.:):)
Hmmm Maybe that explains your phobic response to stars.
I didn't realize the shoe thing was a family compulsion. At our house, shoes normally live in plain view on the stairs by the front door, with a small annex at the back of the house. This worked well with small children who only had one pair of shoes and one pair of sandals, but it's gotten a bit wild with two teenage girls, one who dresses to classic fashion and one who adores deals at Goodwill.
My inner child looked at this blog an hour and a half ago and decided it was time to go to the cafe and get a reuben sandwich.
The Inner Child in me speaks loudly every day. She wants to sink her bare feet into freshly plowed dirt in fields along Elko Road in the Spring and cause bubbles to flow in the Perry fountains! She has a vivid memory of her grandmother asking her "Just who do you think you are, young lady? The Queen of Sheba?"
So just sign me,
The Queen of Sheba
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