Friday, October 07, 2005


Favorite hymn survey

What is your favorite hymn? Plural is okay.

"God of Grace and God of Glory" and "Christ is risen, Shout Hosanna" by Brian Wren. Since that one's new, see for the text.
joyful, joyful, we adore thee since it's based on ode to joy and it has always amazed me that a deaf beethoven could write such happy music.
I think that mine is probably "Come Thou Font of Every Blessing," unless we count "Morning has Broken" as a hymn.
Also, I like "I am a Stranger Here" and "On Jordan's Stormy Banks I Stand." and "The Tie that Binds." (This ridiculous, I'll wind up with a list of 100)
Being a poetry-loving kid, I used to read the hymnal straight through the sermon.
I'm pleased that three of your favorites are on Kate Campbell's "Wandering Strange" CD, which I love. We went to hear Kate play in Lexington and say hello a few weeks ago, and she's working on another hymn-based collection. I was restraining myself from asking her to include "God of Grace and God of Glory," when she said she was planning to call it "For the facing of these days."
Blest Be the Tie That Binds
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