Saturday, October 29, 2005


Days of the week and weekend

I head "Manic Monday" the other day. It has that silly rhyming line about Sunday being "my fun day"
I always thought of Saturday as the fun day.
On Saturdays in my teens I would sleep until 11 a.m. or noon very often. Now I think I'm "sleeping in" when I stay in bed until 8, but I have a deep resistance to going anywhere on Saturday morning. It's 8:53 by my clock right now. I'm on my second cup of coffee, still in a caftan, have "read the news" (NYT,CNN, AJC) on computer. I'll probably cook myself some eggs or something in a while, and get going in due time, and may even be out adventuring later in the day. I just want to take it at my own speed (.346 mph) for a while.
So what's your ideal Saturday? Or go ahead and expand it to a good weekend. Or tell us something about the way the different days of the week feel to you. I'd say Tuesday is the least appealing. I'm fond of Wednesdays at work because I know nobody's going to have a meeting or "do" of some kind in the evening and want pictures taken. People in the south may not actually go to Prayer Meeting on Wednesday night, but they honor it by not planning club meetings or government meetings or whatever.
I tend to be tired and running out of steam on Fridays, and when I lived in Macon Adrienne and I would often go to something called "Happy Hour" at T.K. Tripp's or Bennigans with a bunch of people. Five on Friday was NOT happy, though. Everybody was worn out and letting off steam about work tensions and problems. I never want to go anywhere on Friday night.
Your turn.

A couple of years ago I was out the door about mid-morning clutching a list of area yard sales in my hand. The hunt was on! Or, I would be out the door with camera in hand for a story assignment. (No Red Hat, you know all about those Saturdays!)
Now, I still get going about the same time but head for the computer where I sip coffee and read what is going on in the world.
Cooking is a fun Saturday thing along with cleaning, meditating and watching my cat chase the neighbor's dog back into its yard!
Drinking your first coffee outside on crisp fall mornings (like today) is a wonderful soothing way to start the weekend.
A fall Saturday is also good for making soup or cooking generally. Since I wrote the post, I have gotten dressed and done a few worthy things. Now plan to go to Kroger or maybe Publix (though I feel unfaithful when I do that) to get ingredients for beef stew and maybe that Apple Crisp. I am also mentally drifing ahead toward Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Thanksgiving equals Claudia's delicious green bean casserole!!!!
Most Saturdays are full of family rumble: this one has to be at school at 7 am (6 am, 5 am) to leave for a competitin, that one wants to go to Walmart, and a third hasn't mentioned that his only pair of shoes (as opposed to sandals) doesn't fit and the socks he used to wear with sandals have all vanished. And the bills are due to be paid, and their dad wants me to go somewhere elaborate later in the day or have guests in, or worse, he's out of town. And there's always one work project I'd love to play with and one that has to be done before I can enjoy anything. Can anyone tell what phase of life I'm in??? !!!

Sunday afternoons, though, I tell myself that my need to stop has divine sanction. After church, naps and novels and snacks really are the right things to do.
my favorite saturday is a "destination saturday", which means i have plans for a specific trip to a specific place or area rather than my usual running of errands and house cleaning day. i can anticipate the trip all week and then after i return, it feels like i have a tangible accomplishment rather than the usual running everywhere, doing the same things over and over,:) we sometimes go with friends on the "barbeque trail". we have a particular restaurant we have chosen to visit to sample their brunswick stew, bbq, etc, and then we wander around the area, stopping at interesting places and meeting some really interesting people. we also sometimes go to the atlanta farmers market or harry's with our cooler and buy a picnic lunch from the exotic offerings and bring new things home to try later like soup mixes.
Barely, that made me want to go on a trip!! That sounds like fun.
Which leads to another post idea that you will probably have seen before you see this.
To the cafe by 9, hang out with a mocha reading blogs and writing blogs until noon. In the afternoon, when the family is up, fun stuff with them. Drag Sporcupine somewhere and talk to people. Go on an adventure with the kids, especially Endub, who is the most game. Movies at night.
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