Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Congratulations, you have just won...

You have just one $13.5 million in the lottery. (Okay bear with me. Probably you don't buy lottery tickets, but we're fantasizing here.)

Any ideas about what you would do with that money?
Would you quit working? (And if so, what would you do with your time)
Would you move?
Would you buy a new house?
If you could start a charity, what kind would it be?
If you could start a scholarship fund, what kind would it be?
Is there a luxury you would splurge on?
Is there a trip you'd like to take?

I'd pay off my house, cars, and credit cards, and put aside $200,000 to educate each kid. I'd buy my mother a condo with three bedrooms, a big kitchen and all maintenance fees paid for 25 years, and I'd pay five years of rent to move my office to the top floor of the building with the Hub Cafe on the ground floor. And I'd figure out what I had to pay in taxes on all of that.

Then I'd give the Prichard Commitee $1 million as a permanent endowment for their Institute for Parent Leadership.and the rest of it to educate girls in Muslim and Hindu countries.
Pay off all bills, share with my family, buy a small cottage on the beach and spend lots of time listening to the sea.
Perry VOlunteer Outreach would definitely get a portion!
One thing I have always dreamed about is walking (incognito) down the street and handing out money.
Until then I will have to content myself with leaving change in drink and candy machines and thinking of the smile that must bring to the next person who comes along.
Wow, thanks for the condo. I like the educating of Muslim and Hindu girls.
If I started my own fund it would be for young single moms, a one-time pay-all-your debts, go-back-to-school, buy-a-work-wardrobe, get-decent-day-care grant.
Also would give to Doctors Without Borders, Amnesty International, Perry Volunteer Outreach, and would buy lots of cows, sheep, chickens etc. through Heifer International.
Also would set up a trust fund for Claudia's future care and another that provide money at the right time for each of my children, children-in-law,grandchildren and sister to have the one-time experience of walking into a dealership and buying a new car for cash.
Would quit my job. (I could say I wouldn't, but I know that I'd walk the first time I got even mildly annoyed.)
Then would purchase a Norwegian Forest kitten for Emily Jane to play with (she's bored and getting fat) and divide my time between working in political campaigns and writing fiction.
Also,of course, I'd give the Houston County Commissioners a grant to pay competitive wages to young defense attorneys, and I'd have a townhouse in Savannah that my friends could use.
Have I spent all the money yet?
This, by the way, is something I've thought about a lot because it's my substitute for counting sheep -- that and the custard pie line-up.
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Hey Queen of Sheba,
Would you believe that we were writing simultaneously, and I saw your comment right after posting mine. PVO really is great, isn't it? Like the Perry Arts Center, now that I think about it. They'd have to have a grant too. Please tell TM she needs to jump into this discussion.
i would keep working because i actually like my job and it would upset everyone that i wasn't quitting. the commissioners would have to be nicer because they would want part of my money. i would buy a few buses with insurance coverage and paid drivers to pick up lower income people and give them free rides to the social security office, drug rehab, probation, etc. i would finally make my trip to greece as a splurge for myself. i might buy charlotte a ticket too, and i would definitely buy her some stemless wineglasses:) my only debt is my daughter's school loans, so those would definitely be paid off. the rest i would just save for awhile until i could decide what charities most appealed to me. right now i give mostly to the food bank so i might give them money to give away turkeys and hams on my birthday so poor people didn't have to wait until christmas to get a decent meal.
Nobody has even mentioned buying clothes or getting a makeover.
Okay, I admit that I wouldn't mind flying to New York and getting someone really talented to figure out what hair cut I should have for the next 20 years. And Molly and I have been planning to give Beau the what-not-to-wear treatment for more than year: all earth tones and nothing from Goodwill that doesn't quite fit.... But I'd keep my job and wear the same clogs everywhere I go.
Hey, thrift stores have some great stuff...

(by the way, what happened to myamericanpie?)
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That's a question for the ages. I wish you'd start it up again. I don't think it works for me to be the POSTing person for that particular subject.
Hey, barelyblogging, my fav commissioners meetings were the ones when you would be on the agenda!
nothing like having me show up at the good old boys meeting.:):)
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