Friday, October 07, 2005


Comfort food survey

What do you want to eat when you're all worn out and frazzled?
What do you want to eat when you've just had a horrible day?
What would you take to somebody who needed a "food hug"?
Or do you think that food should not be viewed in the above ways.
Please comment.

A generous supply of Milanos and a big glass of milk. Which, as it happens, I have with me in bed right now!
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Try Milanos a la mode sometime, ideally with butter pecan ice cream.
Are you actually eating cookies, drinking milk and working on the computer in bed?
krystal hamburgers. even my clients back off when they smell the perfume of krystal burgers lingering ever so sweetly. it means that i'm having a really bad day. for a standard bad day, twinkies do the trick. for a regular day at the office a snickers bar usually works. when i'm into health.:):), a butterfinger blizzard.
i'm sure the sporcupine can multitask since she is your child
A mocha is always good ...
Susan didn't get her multitasking skills from me. If I had cookies and milk and a laptop in bed I'd wind up spilling milk into the keyboard and sleeping on crumbs. Instead I follow the Zen admonition that when you do something you should do only that one thing and you should do it like a well-built fire.
Terry, you may have noticed I put the Light a Candle site on my links. Also check out the one that's called SecretWorlds. It's amazing.
I need to share crucial techniques. 1. Slouch in bed, so that if you spill the milk, it falls on your chest and you can change your shirt. 2. Be sure you have many large T-shirts to change into (I use Beau's). 3. Break the Milano in half inside the bag. 4. Shake one half gently as it leaves the bag, then pop it straight into your mouth. 5. Brush off the part of the bed you sleep on when you put the laptop away. 6. Try very hard to believe that there is no significance to the fact that the bed is more comfortable the night you put on fresh sheets. 7. Tell your husband that the kids are the ones who left crumbs on his side of the bed.
secret worlds is pretty amazing. i sent it on to my sister who was a middle school science teacher, but now works at space camp. i hope you ate some wonderful things at the fair. fair food is a whole comfort food category unto itself.
I took my Uncle Wally to the fair and we had those huge sausage dogs, which were quite good. We saw some exhibits, I bought some tupperware, and we watched an actually hilarious two-woman-Gypsy act by the Georgia Egg Commission, who were making recipes and jokes. I'll post a picture later. Went to look at the fine art (some bad paintings, nice wood carvings) and ran into Larry and Janice Walker,(I always thank Larry for getting us the fairgrounds) and then went back to the North Gate. and sat through Okefenokee Joe's entire Swampwise program, complete with all kinds of awful snakes, and his song "Okefenokee, Ga. Population Three. Swampy the Dog, Skeeter the Cat, and Me." Which for reasons inexplicable brought tears to my eyes. (I also get choked up over Lifetime movies sometimes, and this was sort of like that but with animals, which made it sadder, because Swampy got eaten by an alligator. I am NOT kidding). I think that my uncle really enjoyed the whole adventure, but he was quite tired.
Susan, have you tried the cookies from the refrigerator section that are already shaped like cookies. You just put the number you want (like 40 or 50) on a pan and bake them. They are YUMMY, especially the chocolate chip-macadamia nut ones.
I will soon start posting some recipes of the kind that require little work and yield good taste.
i eat those refrigerator prefab cookies like the alligator eating swampy. i will try to catch the swamp show before i start pigging out when i go to the fair. has sporcupine seen robinson's racing pigs? it might give her some inspiration for her cookie eating.
sporcupine lives in Kentucky, where they are not blessed with Pork Barrel Fairs or Racing Pork.
I ate almost a half bag of Hershey's Kisses about 2:30 a.m. last night while watching TV Land.
Thought I might have a tummy ache today but have not experienced one pang of discomfort!
After placing in your mouth, bite off the little twirl on top, then let slowly melt!
Have been thinking of finishing off the bag when I get home tonite.
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